Sunday was by far the hottest day on which I have attended a car show to date. With temps exceeding 100 degrees.....this turned into a day with great debate of packing it in and going home. However, I had my eye on the prize and couldn't bring myself to leave that little red trophy for someone else to win! We are definitely in the "Dog Days of Summer".
Registered cars were approximately 115
This was the 6th annual Car Show and the 4th installment of 8 that Wilson Bank and Trust are affiliated with this year. The show was hosted in the parking lot of the bank. Unlike other Wilson Bank and Trust shows this year, they did not have much property around the bank to utilize for participant parking. If in the future, anyone ever plans to attend this event...arrive early unless you want to run a chance of being thrown out in the middle of nowhere. I think they had pushed the limit with 115 cars, and they packed them in pretty tight.
One aspect that I always enjoy with Wilson Bank & Trust car shows with the help of the AACA...the registration is always simple. After registering for the event, you simply pull around and park. No one directed a specific spot for the class you're in and where they wanted you to park. I did try to double park and was later asked to move over and take up one space instead of two. No doubt this turned out to be a required request. They had the typical 48 classes with 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in each class. It is a point system, which gives the show an opportunity to have multiple 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place for each class (I actually figure a lot of this is based on how many classes do NOT have cars registered in other words....the amount of left over trophies they will have). At registration, I was asked to write down the color of my car in the corner of the registration sheet. I was told this was to insure they had all of the cars judged when they added up the points after judging. This was a first for me but my wife said she had always done it with her Camaro. Maybe I hadn't been paying attention in the past. I am convinced that judging sheets had been lost in the past. Especially given the results of a few car shows earlier in the year with some much deserved cars not placing in a class.
They had a live band playing on one side of the bank, but they also had typical "Sock Hop" music playing on our side of the bank. I honestly did not pay much attention to what venders were at the event. The only time I walked around to the vendor area was when I was going to buy more water or food. It was so hot that day, by the time I got around the bank to the "Food" booth, I already had tunnel vision from heat exhaustion. I do recall vendors selling assorted girly stuff inside the bank. You could also go inside and get free popsicles. They did have the typical "inflatable" slides for kids and a few other small games for kids with a "misting" tent. Also, they had a pink port-a-potty for women.
In other words..........IT WAS FREAKING HOT!
Classes of concern and results:
Class 25: Cars 1988-2001-all
Registered cars in class 25
1. 1999 Mustang GT (Me)
2. 1993 Camaro
Results of the above, I got 1st and the Camaro got 2nd. I have to admit, I figured I would get 2nd place in this one. For some reason, my driver side window stopped working on Sunday. So, instead of rolling both windows up half way, I rolled the passenger side up all the way while drivers side was all the way down. I was hoping this would balance out as I have no clue if the logic worked or I simply got more points in other areas...but I did get 1st.

Class 26: Cars 2002-Present-all
Registered cars in class 26
1. 2010 Camaro SS (my wife)
2. 2010 Challenger Black in color
3. 2007 GT500 (RootsBlownSVT)
4. 2012 Roush
5. 2010 Mustang GT
6. 2010 Challenger Silver in color
7. 2004 Impala SS
8. 2012 Challenger White in color
Results of the above, Tina pulled 1st place and RootsBolwnSVT for pulled 3rd. I don't recall what other cars placed, but it was not like the other shows we had been at. In the past, it was common to see Class 26 have 2 or 3 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners. The best I can recall.....I think class 26 only had a tie in 2nd or a tie in 3rd. Might of had a tie in both....they rattled them off pretty fast but it did not have 6 or 7 winners in class 26 like I had seen in the past shows this year. However, competition in class 26 was pretty stiff. They had some very clean and taken care of cars in that class.
SVTgarage milestone
It was a momentous occasion Sunday. The first official inaugural unveiling of the "SVTgarage banner." It is a very attractive clean design on the banner. I really like the fact that it does not have any "in your face" type of graphics on it. The banner has a large tachometer with "SVTgarage" swooshing off at 8000 rpms.
While the day was long and hot, gathering under the SVTgarage tent offered the required relief. During the earlier part of the day, I would clean a little and come to the tent to cool off between my cleaning regiment and the feeling of passing out. A few times I got worried with one of our garage members, Kim, looked a little white a few times. All of us did manage to make it though the day without having to make a trip to the hospital. Without Tim & Kim at the show, this would have been a blistering miserable day with regret of even going to the car show.
KY Car Show, KY Car Shows, TN Car Show, TN Car Shows
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