Sunday, June 24, 2012

SummerFest and Antique Car Show Murfreesboro, TN June 24, 2012

Wilson Bank & Trust Murfreesboro Car Show review...............

Sunday was by far the hottest day on which I have attended a car show to date. With temps exceeding 100 degrees.....this turned into a day with great debate of packing it in and going home. However, I had my eye on the prize and couldn't bring myself to leave that little red trophy for someone else to win! We are definitely in the "Dog Days of Summer".

Registered cars were approximately 115

This was the 6th annual Car Show and the 4th installment of 8 that Wilson Bank and Trust are affiliated with this year. The show was hosted in the parking lot of the bank. Unlike other Wilson Bank and Trust shows this year, they did not have much property around the bank to utilize for participant parking. If in the future, anyone ever plans to attend this event...arrive early unless you want to run a chance of being thrown out in the middle of nowhere. I think they had pushed the limit with 115 cars, and they packed them in pretty tight.

One aspect that I always enjoy with Wilson Bank & Trust car shows with the help of the AACA...the registration is always simple. After registering for the event, you simply pull around and park. No one directed a specific spot for the class you're in and where they wanted you to park. I did try to double park and was later asked to move over and take up one space instead of two. No doubt this turned out to be a required request. They had the typical 48 classes with 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in each class. It is a point system, which gives the show an opportunity to have multiple 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place for each class (I actually figure a lot of this is based on how many classes do NOT have cars registered in other words....the amount of left over trophies they will have). At registration, I was asked to write down the color of my car in the corner of the registration sheet. I was told this was to insure they had all of the cars judged when they added up the points after judging. This was a first for me but my wife said she had always done it with her Camaro. Maybe I hadn't been paying attention in the past. I am convinced that judging sheets had been lost in the past. Especially given the results of a few car shows earlier in the year with some much deserved cars not placing in a class.

They had a live band playing on one side of the bank, but they also had typical "Sock Hop" music playing on our side of the bank. I honestly did not pay much attention to what venders were at the event. The only time I walked around to the vendor area was when I was going to buy more water or food. It was so hot that day, by the time I got around the bank to the "Food" booth, I already had tunnel vision from heat exhaustion. I do recall vendors selling assorted girly stuff inside the bank. You could also go inside and get free popsicles. They did have the typical "inflatable" slides for kids and a few other small games for kids with a "misting" tent. Also, they had a pink port-a-potty for women.

In other words..........IT WAS FREAKING HOT!

Classes of concern and results:

Class 25: Cars 1988-2001-all

Registered cars in class 25

1. 1999 Mustang GT (Me)
2. 1993 Camaro

Results of the above, I got 1st and the Camaro got 2nd. I have to admit, I figured I would get 2nd place in this one. For some reason, my driver side window stopped working on Sunday. So, instead of rolling both windows up half way, I rolled the passenger side up all the way while drivers side was all the way down. I was hoping this would balance out as I have no clue if the logic worked or I simply got more points in other areas...but I did get 1st.

Class 26: Cars 2002-Present-all

Registered cars in class 26

1. 2010 Camaro SS (my wife)
2. 2010 Challenger Black in color
3. 2007 GT500 (RootsBlownSVT)
4. 2012 Roush
5. 2010 Mustang GT
6. 2010 Challenger Silver in color
7. 2004 Impala SS
8. 2012 Challenger White in color

Results of the above, Tina pulled 1st place and RootsBolwnSVT for pulled 3rd. I don't recall what other cars placed, but it was not like the other shows we had been at. In the past, it was common to see Class 26 have 2 or 3 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners. The best I can recall.....I think class 26 only had a tie in 2nd or a tie in 3rd. Might of had a tie in both....they rattled them off pretty fast but it did not have 6 or 7 winners in class 26 like I had seen in the past shows this year. However, competition in class 26 was pretty stiff. They had some very clean and taken care of cars in that class.

SVTgarage milestone

It was a momentous occasion Sunday. The first official inaugural unveiling of the "SVTgarage banner." It is a very attractive clean design on the banner. I really like the fact that it does not have any "in your face" type of graphics on it. The banner has a large tachometer with "SVTgarage" swooshing off at 8000 rpms.

While the day was long and hot, gathering under the SVTgarage tent offered the required relief. During the earlier part of the day, I would clean a little and come to the tent to cool off between my cleaning regiment and the feeling of passing out. A few times I got worried with one of our garage members, Kim, looked a little white a few times. All of us did manage to make it though the day without having to make a trip to the hospital. Without Tim & Kim at the show, this would have been a blistering miserable day with regret of even going to the car show.

KY Car Show, KY Car Shows, TN Car Show, TN Car Shows

Saturday, June 16, 2012

The River Church Cruise-In Car Show June 16, 2012

The River Cruise In Car Show review...............

Saturday turned out to be a pretty nice day for lounging around at this event. We only had a few moments during the day that seemed too hot to be out and we did get spit on by the rain one time but nothing major.

Registered cars were approximately 18

I'm not sure if this was the first year for this event or not. But, if they decide to grow the event.....they will need more space. While we only had 18 or so cars to show up. It would have only fit another 7-8 cars in the lower parking lot.....where they had directed everyone to park.

Registration was very simple and painless. Easy to see signs and they also had people at the entrance directing you where to drive. As we pulled in off of the highway, we drove up the hill. Stopped at the reregistration tent. Filled out a simple information card and drove back down the hill on the other side of the church. Down to the lower parking lot that had a front side view of the main road. They had people to help guide you while backing into a space......(that's always a nice treat). They only had two classes and a total of six trophies. The two classes were.....Motorcycle and Car/Truck. No judging at this event. It was 100% voting for crowds choice and then they had a "pastor choice" award. Upside to this event, it was absolutely registration fee. Door prizes in way of gift cards went on through the day for visitors of the event with a "car show" attendees door prizes that were handed out just prior to the trophies being awarded. The music for the day was...for the most part pleasant. They did mix up the playlist to a few things beyond "sock hop" and Elvis songs. At one time I was duped with one song. The announcer asked that we remove our hats for the national anthem. While I was in mid stride of wiping down the side of my car...I took off my hat. Stood up straight and then they played Lynyrd Skynyrd. Feeling like a total moron...I chuckled to myself and went back to wiping on my car. The concession stand was simple and very reasonably priced. I don't recall everything they offered on the menu but I do recall...they did not have hamburgers. However, they did have hot dogs and homemade ice cream. The hot dogs were good and from what I heard...the homemade ice cream was tasty also.

They had two inflatable slides there with one having a little pool at the bottom. The bathrooms were located inside the church at the top of the hill. But, the church had a nice double seater golf cart to transport folks up and down the hill.

While no one from got any trophies. Three of us did manage to take home gift cards from the event. Tim, Brett and myself got the win on those with a total cash value of $65 collectively.

It's official

I'm breaking out of my die hard intentful trophy winning spirit of only attending car shows with judging and trophies. Now added to my list....will be relaxing days at "show & shine" events...such as this one. That will have members of the garage in attendance. One could considered this event...more of an "SVT Garage" get together. We accounted for 1/3rd of the total turn out for the event.

With this being the 2nd event that had a good "SVT Garage" turnout. I feel that I was able to get to know everyone on more of a personal level, that went beyond a common interest of cars.

The line up of members in attendance were:






 (Came with Tim)

Brand X....Tina
 (Came with me)


We also had two "Honorary" members of the garage. Brett's fiance accompanied him. Bryan's wife also came out to spend the day with us. Both of which....provided even more opportunity to learn more about our garage members.

This was my first opportunity to check out the modifications done on ShelbyGT500 (Bryan) had performed to the GT500. I really dig the side louvers and "Shelby" accessory caps under the hood. The shifter knob does look a ton better in person then on the forum. I am now a big fan of the hood struts, after eye balling them on both Brayn's car and Steve's...this may be something I look into for the '99. I'm just going to have to see someone with them on a new edge. If they look as clean and factory as they do on those two cars...I'm definitely investing in a pair. I wait with much anticipation for seeing the radiator cover on Bryan's car. Hopefully, when I get a chance to see the radiator cover installed on Bryan's car...he will not bring the rain with him

It was a pleasure to meet SVTBrad (Brad) for the first time. Brad has a Lightning model truck with a very interesting back story. I encourage everyone to meet up with Brad. You must see what this truck has become after Brad acquired it, especially knowing he had to clean "growing moss" off of it. I would go into more detail on the truck but that would take away from the experience of seeing the Lightning and hearing the story in person. Also, keep an eye out for his dirty little secret lurking under the tonneau cover in the bed! Brad is a real sharp shooter...both figuratively and literally.

SteveStang10 (Steve)....arrived fashionably late. From what I understand...this is a little out of character for Steve...considering he really likes to get from point "A" to point "B" with much haste! As Tim pointed out in a previous post. We all got to actually confirm...Steve's car does in fact...have a top! However, with the top down on Steve's one can get bored of seeing how good that windscreen looks. Steve uses a very clever device to "prop" his hood up with. While he doesn't need one with the aftermarket hood struts installed.......He claims it is to prevent a hard gush of wind from slamming down the hood. I think we all know its to be used in the event he is recognized for taking home the "Big Dog" trophy at Mustang Mania. Gives him something to reach for to beat back the fans...or simply whip out to beat the competition. Knowing that Steve is always "walking tall".....I would feel secure attending any event with him even in the sketchiest of areas............

Cobra097 (Brett) manage to throw me off balance very early in the morning.......before the car show even started! I was traveling down highway 70 from 109. Headed to meet up with Bryan and Tim at Dunkin Donuts. When I was approached by what first appeared to be a sleek red Saleen...but, then I noticed a cobra badge in the grill and figured it was just a confused horse. I was quickly distracted by the driver flailing his arm out of the car....I soon realized it wasn't a confused Mustang trying to figure out if its a Saleen or a Cobra, but rather...a confused driver headed in the wrong direction. Apparently Brett was going to his fiance's house. While Brett was accomplishing this said task...he also manage to make me second guess my sense of direction....forcing me to rapidly fumble through my hand written address and double check my GPS directions....Thanks Brett!

I also learned that Brett and I have more in common then an admiration for the Saleen style new edge Mustangs. We also share the same taste in clothing apparel and how it should be worn. While...for most fashion critics...they would give Brett a free pass on his style. A few might consider my shared views of style to Brett's as inexcusable...for we don't share the same deficits in the reasoning behind our choose of clothing. It appears that for me.....simply having "Bad Taste" isn't a good enough reason. However, if you would like to know why Brett also feels that wearing plaid shorts and sporting a pair of dress socks pulled up to his knees should be excepted for public will have to meet up with Brett at an event and gather under the tent.

Last but certainly not least....the ring leaders of our "Motley Crew". Tim and Kim were in high spirits as usual. Even after meeting both of them numerous times prior to this event. I am still learning new things about each. For example, I was able to learn....Kim actually has a bit of "antisocial" tendencies and a phobia of people setting to close.....HA! (told you I would get that one in....) Tim is quickly becoming the groups "MacGyver"...whipping off his belt in a dier time of need to strap the tent to a pole for wind stability. Even with Kim's social anxiety....she does have passion in her heart for the tiniest of creatures. We all took a moment of silence, to mourn the passing of a squirrel......that had successfully crossed over to the other side with Tim's help on the drive up to the event.

As you can make out from the Shows review. The day turned into something beyond a general cruise in. It become an SVT Garage gathering of members. For me, those members are quickly becoming more then a "profile" that I've come to know from various postings on the site. all are becoming my friends that are no longer categorized by user names. Getting to know each of you beyond a "cyberspace social media" becoming a truly joyful experience.

I will most certainly go back to this low keyed event as long as SVT Garage members will be present.....


KY Car Show, KY Car Shows, TN Car Show, TN Car Shows

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Mustang Mania Franklin, KY June 9th, 2012

It was a fantastic day!

Registered cars this year came in at 114. They announced it was up from last years 94

While "Mustang Mania" is on its 4th year. You can certainly see they are still just getting their feet wet with the event. As we pulled in off of the highway, they were trying to get people "registered" and taking up the fees for the show. Initially, we had a few decisions to make when filling out the paper way of, what body (build platform), Driven or trailered, Stock, Modified, Special (SVT, Roush, ect, ect,). It would have also been useful, if they would have had options or directions on the registration sheet with a guideline to what the build platforms are what they were asking. I simply said; "New Edge, Generation 4, SN-95....what are you asking for". The responses was..."I think we have been using New Edge". I personally just chuckled a little to myself and went on. I already knew that the lady that had asked the question had no real idea what she was asking for. While a lot of people know what a Fox body is.......... Their are a lot of people that don't know what Generations these cars fall under. We all hear the "nicknames" given to them or the "code names"...but unlike the GM fanatics out there....Mustang owners don't always keep up with the Generation classification of the cars. Below is the "official" year a generation build for reference.

Generation 1: 1964 1/2 - 1973
Generation 2: 1974 - 1978
Generation 3: 1979 - 1993
Generation 4: 1994 - 2004
Generation 5: 2005 - 2012

Also, keep in mind. While the above is the official Generation list. It has sub-groups inside of those classifications.

As the cars piled in, it was announced that they had a "miss hap" and the event will only have two classes...still divided up by "Generations" but they will only have modified and stock class. The specialty cars (SVT, Roush, GT500) had to choose...stock or modified. It is certainly in the owners best interest to choose Stock rather then Modified for the specialty cars...unless, they are heavily modified. I can only speculate to the reason for this but my best guess....not enough trophies. Short of that guess, it may have been a break down in communication between the event organizers and the Mustang club that was helping with the judging. As it was later announced that the show was being judged using "MCA" (Mustang Club of America) guidelines. They clearly did not have the separate judging sheets for Generation 1 through 5 and or the separate sheets for Shelby and Roush cars. Registration started at 9:00 a.m. and judging begin at 10:00 a.m. Normally this would have been the strangest move on the earth at a car show...but, if you were not ready to be judged. You could simply close your hood and/or trunk...or just tell them when they came around that you are not ready. Judging did go on all day. When they thought they had judged everyone's car....they announced a request..that all owners check for a sticker on the headlight to insure all cars had been judged.

The show had a lot of late model SVT Cobras, Late model Roushs, Approximately 5-6 Bullitt & a number of GT500's. We had two Saleen tribute (clone). It had One true Saleen that was actually the Cobra/Saleen from a soon to be member of our garage. We can all thank Tim for that rare find. The show even had an older Mustang II, which was a rare treat. Not including the Saleen/Cobra......the rarest cars on the field were "true stock none special addition" late model mustangs. Of which...we also had one from our garage. The show had more V-6 model Mustangs in it then any show I've been to this year....again, one of which was a member to the garage.

It was a hot day Saturday but with Tim bringing the helped cool things off a great deal. I have to say...for myself. The highlight of the day was spending time under the tent talking with everyone and getting to know each other better. The awards and opportunity to check out what other people have done with Mustangs was just a bonus. This event is without a doubt catered to a "Car Show" enthusiast with a passion for Mustangs. It had nothing in regards to activities for the family. didn't even have vendors to sell any consumer type goods. For me, if the folks from the garage hadn't showed up. It would have made for a very long day. The food was not very good (again, my opinion). Absolutely no time killing activity's... BUT, I could not have asked for better company and because of that...this event has become the best event to date for me!

As noted above. They announced the show would be judged using "MCA" guidelines. This is a good thing and a bad thing....mainly bad because I wasn't prepared for "MCA" judging rules. It was also a bad thing...becasue, I don't think they were prepared for "MCA" guidelines either. Umm......Not prepared for what it takes to judge that many different Mustangs using "MCA" guidelines. It is.....on the other hand a good thing for how each car gets judged.

Without getting into a great deal of detail. Also, while trying to wrap my head around how they actually executed the judging using "MCA" guidelines. Below is an outline of what "MCA" judging is and how they possible used this as a foundation for the event.


Classification is determined by:
1. Year
2. Model - which is determined by the vehicle’s VIN number (Data Plate)
3. Use and level of authenticity

Division I – Concours Trailered 1964 ½ – 2002
  • Car as it was delivered to the original owner without modifications
  • Reproduction parts are acceptable for restoration as long as they fit, look and function like the original OEM parts
  • Ford factory accessories or accessories advertised in the Ford accessories book of that year

Division II – Concours Driven 1964 ½ – 2002
  • Car as it was delivered to the original owner without modifications
  • Reproduction parts are acceptable for restoration as long as they fit, look and function like the original OEM parts
  • Ford factory accessories or accessories advertised in the Ford accessories book
  • If entered in a normal Concours Driven Class, must be driven to and from national shows, from the owner’s home of record. Burden of proof is the owner’s responsibility*
  • A special “PS” class is available for owners to trailer their car to a National Show. This class was created to help draw more participation from owner’s that might not want to drive their car a long distance for any number of reasons. Cars shown in the PS class are cars that would normally be entered in Concours Driven. They are judged the same as regular Concours Driven, but put in a separate class. There is no mileage limitation and PS is limited to 1964 ½ – 1992.

Division III – Unrestored 1964 ½ – 2002
  • As was delivered to the original owner – nothing rebuilt
  • No reproduction or updated FoMoCo or Motorcraft parts accepted
  • Imperfection to paint and under carriage, surface rust, etc. should be considered normal for Unrestored cars
  • Major dents, body rust, torn upholstery is not considered normal wear

Division IV – Thoroughbred 1964 ½ – 1992
  • Restored or Original with correct era parts
  • Date code on the parts used must be on or before the manufacture date of the car
  • Absolutely no reproduction parts allowed

Division V – Occasional Driven 1964 ½ – 2010
  • Driven occasionally - weekends, car shows, cruising, etc.
  • Judged for quality of workmanship, condition and cleanliness
  • Under carriage is judged (Undercarriage may be detailed to, or near, concours standards of cleanliness, condition and workmanship, to encourage Occasional Driven cars to move up to Concours or Modified classes.)
  • Must be driven to and from national shows (except trailered class). Burden of proof is the owner’s responsibility*

Division VI – Daily Driver 1964 ½ – 2010
  • Must be primary transportation for owner
  • Judged for quality of workmanship, condition and cleanliness only
  • Under carriage is not judged
  • Engine compartment is not judged and hood must be closed
  • Cars must show signs of street use
  • Must be driven to and from national shows. Burden of proof is the owner’s responsibility*

Division VII – Modified 1964 ½ – 2011
  • Some or all modification to:
1. Engine, engine compartment and drive trains
2. Exterior sheet metal
3. Paint job and graphics
4. Trunk or hatch interior changes
5. Interior changes
6. Wheels and tire changes
7. Suspension, brakes and exhaust changes
  • Under carriage judged and under carriages not judged classes will be offered
  • If driven to and from national shows (not trailered). Burden of proof is the owner’s responsibility*
  • Judged for quality of workmanship, attention to detail, innovation, level of engineering, use of custom made components, extent of modification and degree of difficulty

Division VIII – Specialty
  • Classes for:
o 2003-2010 Saleen factory prepared cars only
o 2003-2010 Roush factory prepared cars only
o 2003-2004 SVT Cobra factory prepared cars only
o 2006-2010 Shelby
  • Judged to Occasional Driven rules, for quality of workmanship, condition and cleanliness see Division V Occasional driven for more details
  • Division IX – Conservator 1964 ½ – 2002
  • Must earn 20 points to qualify for the Grille Medallion before optionally entering into the Conservator Class
  • Cars in this Class will be judged by two Gold Card Judges for:
o Quality of Workmanship, Condition, Cleanliness

Keeping in mind the classifications posted above with "MCA" guidelines. Not everyone can hold a 3 day event. So, it kind of becomes a pick and choose type deal of what and how you want to lump these classes. As we all found out. The Event simply went with "Stock" or "Modified"

Here is a list of the different judging sheets for use with the Generations.

  • MCA Mustang Rules 1964½ - 1966
  • MCA Mustang Rules 1967 - 1968
  • MCA Mustang Rules 1969 - 1970
  • MCA Mustang Rules 1971 - 1973
  • MCA Shelby Mustang Rules 1965 - 1966
  • MCA Shelby Mustang Rules 1967 - 1968
  • MCA Shelby Mustang Rules 1969 - 1970
  • MCA Boss Mustang Rules 1969 - 1971

2nd Generation
  • MCA Mustang Rules 1974 - 1978

3rd Generation
  • MCA Mustang Rules 1979 - 1993
  • MCA Saleen Mustang Rules 1984 - 1989
  • MCA Saleen Mustang Rules 1990 - 1993

4th Generation
  • MCA Mustang Rules 1994 - 2004
  • MCA Saleen Mustang Rules 1994 - 2004
  • MCA Roush Mustang Rules 1997 - 2004

5th Generation (Reference use only)
  • MCA Mustang Rules 2005 - 2012

DIVISION III, Unrestored
  • MCA Unrestored Mustang Rules

  • MCA Thoroughbred Mustang Rules

  • MCA Occasional and Daily Driven Mustang Rules

  • MCA Modified Mustang Rules


  • MCA Conservator Mustang Rules

Each bullet point above represents a Rule book for judging that category. It also takes a heck of a person to be able to judge every make and model based on these guidelines. So, I figure Saturday was a mix of...If they know its not a stock got hit on it. Unless, they said...they would allow "X" amount of mods. I didn't pay attention if they announced it or not for "Stock" class.

Also, they announced it was on a 100 point system. This has to be the old guidelines. As, MCA is a 200 point system.

Below is a copy of an Abbreviated judging sheet for Stock class

The way to read the points for above in a "Stock" class is as follows. Every car gets full points. Its the approach of, getting a point deduction. Not the approach of...earning points.

So, with a stock class. You start out with full points.

With a Modified class. You start out with zero and earn points.

For the awards to be earned in "MCA". Its a base of meeting "X" amount of points. Not a matter of who got the highest points in the Class.

For example. Using the "National Point system" for MCA. Which is a 700 point system. You have to obtain or...better put, retain a percentage of the 700 points to get an award.

Concours Trailered
Gold 97%
Silver 94%
Bronze 91%

Concours Driven
Gold 95%
Silver 90%
Bronze 85%

Gold 98%
Silver 96%
Bronze 94%

Gold 95%
Silver 90%
Bronze 85%

I don't think they used or Judged anyone under the above classifications Saturday. That is strictly...the best of the best and takes a very special person to judge based off of Concourse rules. It can take 15-30 minutes to Judge a car based on Concourse.

All of us were judged as follows...listed below. Well, let me re state that. We were "loosely" judged based off of the following.


These classes are placed First, Second and Third with no minimum point requirements.

Occasional Driven
1st - Within 3 points of lowest points deducted - All get 1st.
2nd - Exact number of points.
3rd - Exact number of points.

Daily Driven
1st - Within 3 points of lowest points deducted - All get 1st.
2nd - Exact number of points.
3rd - Exact number of points.

Example 1
Car 170 zero points deducted 1st place
Car 255 one point deducted 1st place
Car 200 two points deducted 1st place
Car 289 three points deducted 2nd place
Car 302 four points deducted 3rd place

(Remember zero is a number, so car 170, 255, and 200 within three points, car 289 is four points from the best, so outside the three point margin, gets 2nd place.)

Example 2
Car 390 plus one points 1st place
Car 351 one point deducted 1st place
Car 250 two points deducted 2nd place
Car 428 two points deducted 2nd place
Car 429 two points deducted 2nd place
Car 140 three points deducted 3rd place
Car 260 three points deducted 3rd place
Car 327 four points deducted no award
(Car 390, 351 are within three points, but car 250 is four points from best +1, 0,-1= three points, so two points deducted goes into 2nd place. Multi winners in 2nd and 3rd only by ties)

The actual guidelines they used Saturday for Judging....while in concept is simple (only having two classes). Can be very difficult to really figure out how they pulled it off. Because it was a mix of everything but only using the easiest (least time consuming) judging methods.

I they stated. Each car was compared to itself. So, all stock cars started with 100 points and got deductions based off of what would not be stock and/or clean and/or in mint condition. If the judge was familiar with the generation car they were looking at...I would guess, it got judged fully. If not, then it was a guess. It also looks like they used a percentage of points retained to decide first, second or third (Gold, Silver, Bronze). I have no clue what the percentage would be.

To give you an idea of how to properly judge a car using MCA guidelines. I have copied and pasted a section out of the 2005-2012 Judging rule book....I copied the section for the "Trunk" as it was the shortest section. With MCA judging rules. They list everything about the car and what maximum point deductions would be for everything. Nothing is left up to guess regarding the car and what should or should not be deducted for something. The entire rule book for 2005-2012 is 15 pages long. Covers everything from seat belts, sun visors, proper antenna, orange peel on the paint down to the requirement of using a "BXT40R or BXT96R battery and if get an automatic 6 point deduction for engine compartment.

Below is a portion taken out of the Judging rule book for the Trunk "2005-2012"

TRUNK Points

A. Mat, Trunk Covering and Tire Cover Board:
Mat and covering required for coupes and convertibles.
Engine start decal must be in place. Proper masonite board for year and model.

Escape handle........................................................................................................5
Quality of workmanship, condition and cleanliness.........................................................3

B. Convertible Boot and Storage Bag: Proper type for year and model...............................2
Quality of workmanship, condition and cleanliness.........................................................2

C. Wiring: Proper type for year and model. Routed in original position, from behind right
hinge, along trunk lid towards center of trunk lid..........................................................2
Quality of workmanship, condition and cleanliness........................................................2

D. Painted Surfaces in Trunk: Must match exterior color................................................3
Quality of workmanship, condition and cleanliness........................................................2

E. Hinges and Lift Supports: Proper type for year and model.
Quality of workmanship, condition and cleanliness........................................................2

F. Trunk Weather-strip, and Trunk Latch: Original style, mounted in original location..........2

Point Deductions for any other items not proper or original.....................................2

With everything added up for the above. You start out with 25 points for the trunk. Then, the most you can get deducted is....5 points for not having the "Escape handle"...or deducted becasue the Escape handle has a chrome cover. Now, in some local car shows that don't do a "stock" class or "Modified" class. You might get a point for having a chrome cover or it may not matter at all. They may look at 3 of the same year model mustangs at local events a decide the one with a chrome escape handle has more of a "bling" factor and decide it gets more "Trunk" points then the other two cars. Heck, a judge may think the "bling" factor is tacky and deduct points for it...again, at local car shows with no real rules regarding how they judge a car. Regarding the judging Saturday...........Something as easily seen as a latch release was probably taken in to count. However, unless they had a judge that knew the proper routing of the wiring harness for the trunk lid...that aspect didn't get a second thought..and probably could have been completely missing with no point deduction.


Modified class can get real tough with MCA rules. It does leave the door open for "taste". We get judged in the same areas as everyone else. But, we need to have modifications done somewhere to everything. Suspension, Body, wheels and tires, exhaust, Engine, Interior. If someone enters a modified class and they don't have extensive modifications to the entire car. They would have been better off staying in the stock class and getting a deduction. Also, all clone cars are put in modified class. While an original car that someone would want to clone...will always be put in "Stock" class. Below is the rule book for Modified.

If I would have been prepared Saturday for MCA style judging...I would have been able to get 10 bonus points easily out of the gate. All I needed was my MCA windshield sticker and a typed list of modifications. The sticker is worth 1 point and a typed list outlining modifications is worth 9 points.

Simple Modification: Simple dress and trim parts that are snapped, pressed or twisted on and require no special fasteners or hardware for attachment, and are generally replacing parts easily removed in a like manner. Each modification would be worth 1 point.

Examples: ABS, billet, or metal dress and trim items such as nut covers, filler caps, reservoir caps, trim bezels, knobs, handles and emblems, also after-market floor mats, trunk mats and head rest wraps. Note: this is not an all-inclusive list.

Minor Modification: Minor bolt on parts that require no extensive disassembly, no cutting of metal, no splicing of wires, no drilling attachment holes or structural alteration. Each modification would be worth 3 points.

Examples: Valve covers, simple bolt on air-cleaner, non factory wheels, chrome exhaust tips, aftermarket steering wheels. Note: this is not an all-inclusive list.

Intermediate Modification: Bolt on parts or accessories that require basic disassembly, with metal trimming of metal, wire splicing or drilling of attachment holes but no structural alterations. Each modification would be worth 5 points.
Examples: After market intakes, heads, headers, carburetors, cold air kits, gauges, stereos, bolt-on braces, spoilers, hoods, scoops or custom trunk carpet.
Note: this is not an all-inclusive list.

Major Modification
: Modifications that require extensive disassembly, extensive cutting and welding of metal or extensive wire splicing or wire rerouting, structural alteration custom fabricated parts and or parts or items that require welding for attachment. Each modification would be worth 8 points.

Examples: Molded in body parts, welded in roll cages, welded in sub-frame connectors or other sheet metal, removed structural parts like shock towers. Install a Mustang II style front suspension in first generation Mustangs, installing later generation EFI drive train in first generation Mustang or installing EFI components in non-EFI fox chassis Mustangs. Installing a supercharger or turbo charger(s) to Mustang engines not originally equipped with supercharger/turbocharger.
Note: this is not an all-inclusive list.

1. INTERIOR--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Max Points Possible
A. Workmanship and condition of:
Door panel and Opening Area, Weather-strip ................................................................................. 15
Seats .................................................................................................................................... 15
Floor, wiring, firewall.................................................................................................................. 14
Instrument panel, steering ......................................................................................................... 13
Headliner, underside of top ......................................................................................................... 5
B. Cleanliness .......................................................................................................................... 22
C. Modifications ....................................................................................................................... 17

2. EXTERIOR Points
A. Workmanship and condition of:
Body, sheet metal and fit of doors, hood and trunk lid / hatch............................................... 19
Paint and finish ..................................................................................................................... 19
Trim, bright metal or painted ................................................................................................. 10
Glass and/or plastic .............................................................................................................. 10
Wheels and Tires ................................................................................................................. 10
Doors, hood, trunk lid/hatch.................................................................................................... 5
MCA Decal ............................................................................................................................. 1
B. Cleanliness .......................................................................................................................... 22
C. Modifications ........................................................................................................................ 15

A. Workmanship and condition of:
Paint and finish ..................................................................................................................... 13
Flooring/mat ......................................................................................................................... 12
Wiring harness, trim, weather-strip, latch ................................................................................ 5
B. Cleanliness .......................................................................................................................... 20
C. Modifications .......................................................................................................................... 5

A. Workmanship and condition of:
Engine and attaching parts ................................................................................................... 19
Engine compartment walls ................................................................................................... 19
Electrical System .................................................................................................................. 15
Cooling system and hoses ................................................................................................... 15
B. Cleanliness .......................................................................................................................... 26
C. Modifications ........................................................................................................................ 40

A. Workmanship and condition of:
Front suspension .................................................................................................................. 13
Rear suspension .................................................................................................................. 13
Exhaust system .................................................................................................................... 13
Floor pans, wheel wells ........................................................................................................ 13
B. Cleanliness .......................................................................................................................... 22
C. Modifications ........................................................................................................................ 16

A List of Modifications ................................................................................................................ 9

Even with everything said above. The event Saturday was a great car show for me. While I am the type person that only goes to a car show with intent and effort to win a trophy. I don't really get wrapped up in placement. i don't get overly excited about 1st, 2nd, 3rd....It does feel good to get 1st. But, I always go home...sit and look at my car trying to figure out what I need to fix if I get 3rd. When I get 2nd place....I chalk that up to a good day.

I have been to a lot of shows that I couldn't figure out and I've been to a few that were very easy to figure out. But, at the end of the day. I always have to keep in mind. These events a mostly poorly thought out for execution and the most thought process that went in to one was during the conceptual "brain storm" of...hey, lets put on a car show. The event coordinators are doing the best they can considering...they rarely get paid to do it and most of the coordination is done during someones "spare" time.

I would put "Mustang Mania" in a category of...."A good car show" to attend. The event is a step above most local "car show" events with how much effort and thought they are trying to put into judging the cars. At the very least, they are trying to create some type of standard for judging the cars instead of looking around and flipping a coin.

Most of I noted 3 or 4 post ago...My favorite part of the day was meeting everyone and getting a chance to chat with all of you. This is the only show I can honestly say...."If I wouldn't have placed, it would have still made for a great day".

Here are a few pictures from the event.

KY Car Show, KY Car Shows, TN Car Show, TN Car Shows

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Gallatin,TN Wilson Bank and Trust Car Show June 2, 2012

Summary of the show.............. 120 cars

This was the First Annual Car show in Gallatin, TN. Sponsored by Wilson Bank & Trust. Just like all the rest this year in way of classes and judging performed with assistance from the Antique Automobile club of America.

One exception to this event vs the others this year.............. The Sumner County "chapter", Sumner County Vintage Vehicle Club. Was the group that actually did the judging for this event. I also made the assumption that the show would be ran just like all the other "Wilson Bank and Trust" car shows had been.

A. Register your car
B. Directed to where to park
C. Clean up begins
D. Judging around noon
E. Awards around 3:00 p.m.

I was mistaken! This event was drive through judging. Process was as followed.

A. Pull in Register the car
B. Pull up and get judged
C. Directed where to park
D. Feeling lost because I no longer have any real justification to clean the road debris off of my car
E. Cleaning my car because I felt out of place not having anything to do...........
F. Waiting for awards
G. Waiting even longer for awards
H. Thinking about going home and taking a nap
I. Taking a nap in my chair
J. Waking up and realizing its only 10:00 a.m. with 5 more hours for awards
K. Walking around to see what the competition looks like
L. Getting frustrated because no one put the class sheet in the windshield of the cars...because they had already been judged.
M. Realized that I also did not put my classification sheet in my windshield...because I had already been judged
N. Looked at the time and made a mental note that its only 10:30 with 4 and a half hours to go.

O. Came to terms with the fact; My car show rituals had been knocked way out of whack and I needed to calm down...........enjoy the day.

It was actually a very nice relaxing day (After I was able to regroup my typical process and come to terms with having no process for this show). When we pulled through for the judging, they said they are not judging for cleanliness. Which makes sense for most concourse type judging....not so much for the classes at this show....well, not so much for the classes that 1988 and up cars have to be in. I plan on making a post of how car shows work and explain more on why judging a car that's not being picked apart for cleanliness makes sense. For now and with this post.........just go with it.

My class Cars 1988-2001- All. Was very light. I think I only had one other one in my class...maybe two. I did pull first place, but it still felt weird having someone judge my car when I hadn't cleaned it up.

Brand X's class 2002-Present-All had about 10-13 cars in it. (Its real easy to recognize newer model cars). In her class, we had one more Camaro. At least 7-8 Challengers and Chargers and a few Corvettes. Dodge ruled the show for late model cars showing up. Brand X pulled 2nd in this show (This was the 2nd time in 3 years, Approximately 13 car shows.............for her to not pull first).

They had the "game truck" there for the kids to play "PlayStation and Xbox" games. Also had the big inflatable slides. 3 different vendors for food and drinks. (I personally went across the street to McDonald's for my morning Coffee). They had a small petting zoo on site. It had some baby goats, one of those tiny horses. Also had a llama, some type of miniature cow and a minuter donkey. A few "tent vendors" selling all the important and useful stuff...such as Jewelery, pocket books and other, I mean other useful stuff.

Also, another event going on across the street. Was a fund raiser for a little girl that had a very rare bone disease . Its called Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (FOP). sometimes referred to as Stone Man Syndrome, is an extremely rare disease of the connective tissue. A Mutation of the body's repair mechanism causes fibrous tissue muscle, tendon, and ligament to be ossified when damaged. In many cases, injuries can cause joints to become permanently frozen in place. Most of the time I will try and spend my money with the vendors that show up at a car show. Mainly because they typically have to spend money to be there. But, on this day....I felt compiled to donate my money for a good cause. They also had the best grilled burgers I have ever had at any event. Brand X also participated in a silent auction at the fund raiser and won a little desk clock that looks like an old phone.

Here is the original Car show Flyer.

Here is a list of Classes for the Show.

Here are some pictures of the car show. I tried to take a few "vantage Point" pictures to give an idea of the turn out. Couldn't really get any that I thought looked, what you see is what you get.

In way of Mustangs. Not too many showed up. I took pictures of the ones that did. Absolutely no late model Stangs showed up at this one (2005-up)

KY Car Show, KY Car Shows, TN Car Show, TN Car Shows